Steve Ulrich, PEng, SSP 2007

Steve holds a B.Eng. and a M.A.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from the Université de Sherbrooke and is currently a PhD Student in Aerospace Engineering at Carleton University, where he is pursuing research in automatic control systems for space robotic manipulators. He is the recipient of several scholarships and awards, namely the Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarships (2009-present) and the Canada Graduate Scholarship from the Natural Science and Engineering Council of Canada (2006), the Leonardo da Vinci Medal - the highest distinction awarded by the Faculty of Engineering at the Université de Sherbrooke (2006), the Graduate Scholarship from the Faculty of Engineering and Design at Carleton University (2009) and the Academic Excellence Scholarship from the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research at Carleton University (2009).

Prior to joining the Institute for Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Carleton University, Steve worked for two years as a Research Engineer for NGC Aerospace Ltd. where he participated and led research and development studies in the field of autonomous guidance, navigation and control (GNC) for aeronautics and astronautics applications. Results of various research projects that Steve participated in are documented in more than 20 technical conference papers and journal articles.

Steve enjoys riding motorcycles, rock-climbing, weight-lifting, swimming, cross-country skiing, and squash. He holds a valid Glider Pilot License and an Industry Canada issued Amateur Radio Operator Certificate, Advanced Qualification, with the call sign VE2ULR.